I guess I'm just doing some catch up with all we did in the past year, and I realized that I totally missed our time in Amsterdam. So sad, considering that Amsterdam is my favorite city in all the world. A new addition since my last visit was the Iamsterdam sign on the Museumplein. Not only is it clever, it looks cool and was a great place for the kids to play. Well, that and the half pipe where they made quite a few new Dutch friends.
Well, maybe just a little bit.
ok---so i am just getting to catch up on your blog ( sorry) ---and you may never even see this comment because its such an old posting, but
i just have to say thank you for all your reccommends in amsterdam. my life would have never been the same if i hadnt been to Puccini chocolates.
if i ever get the chance to go there again---i will bring home 50 lbs of their marzipan/fig dark chocolates and freeze them. ahhh---sigh,
it makes me happy to think about eating them :) ha ha
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