I've been thinking about what I would write about on my one year anniversary, and I decided I wanted to chose my favorite and least favorite posts of the year.
My favorite? Feeling Feisty. I remember crying as I wrote it, and I still cry when I re-read it. I'm so glad that I captured that moment of feeling everything in sync, because it doesn't happen often enough.
Least favorite? Well, too many of those to count. Grasshoppers in November. Totally phoned that one in. And too many others. But I am glad I captured a day while we were living in our rental, because even though it was just a place to live, in the end it felt like home. And I spent a year of my life there, and a year of my kid's and Steve's lives there. It will be good to remember, and way too easy to forget.
So, here's to another year. And I'm really, really going to try to write every day. It really has changed the way I look at my life, even when I miss a few days.
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