Friday, February 27, 2009

It's All Trish's Fault

Meet the newest addition to my Orla Kiely family: The Reflected Trees Maxi Sling Bag in Cappuccino. I have been eyeing this one on Ebay, but it was still way too pricey. And then Trish HAD to mention the other night at book group that she was at Nordstrom that day and she saw it marked down half price. As you probably already imagined, I was there just after they opened the next morning, walked right over to the table, picked it up, and purchased. But the best was yet to come: it had been marked down another 25% off the sale price, so I ended up getting it for less than $70.

Trish may be to blame, but I told her yesterday that I intend to give her a big kiss on the forehead for the tip.