Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yoga Practice

Lately I've been working on the yoga pose Bakasana, which I have never been able to do, probably because I'm scared of falling (literally) flat on my face. I've gotten close at the yoga studio, but since the floors there are hard laminate, I thought I'd try on the softer semi-shag carpet in our condo. Well, when I want to practice some yoga the kids want to practice too. They took a kids yoga class last summer and still have great memories of it. Of course, I had pictures of them from their class, but they were on the old hard drive, and well, we all know how that story ends. I am surprised at how much they remember from the class, and how much fun they have doing yoga (Amy, if you're reading this, you need to do another kid's yoga class this year).

I think they like the creativity of the poses and the fact that they can get their bodies into such crazy positions. I love it because they think I'm so good at it, and we all do it together.

Luckily, the other night Steve broke out the camera and took some photos of the boys (and me, which I did not approve of, by the way). Here's some of the best:

Max in a bind.

Jack loves yoga, and isn't afraid to fall.

Jack doing Eagle Pose, although the flapping wings are his own addition.


And no, we don't require that they wear matching outfits when they practice yoga. My OCD problem hasn't quite reached that level yet, and hopefully, with yoga, it never will.


It's Yoga Utah... said...

Loved the pictures! We are for sure doing another camp this summer. Freak! Get your Bakasana on.

lara said...

Those pictures are killing!!! Making me smile on this cold, cold, cold, foggy, foggy, snowy day.