Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Goodbye And Good Luck

There's some things in this life that I never need to experience, like bungee jumping, sky diving, visiting Texas, or driving 12 hours in the car alone with the boys. But Steve, he's a risk taker. So, this morning, he took off with the boys to drive solo down to Arizona to see his family. I made him promise to drink lots of caffeine and I've already called him twice to be sure that he's doing okay, and all seems to be going well. I'll miss them, but right now I get to take a nap, so I guess the missing will start later.

Now why would I be so scared to travel solo with these two sweet boys?

Oh yeah, now I remember.

We got the boys all loaded up in the car...

...and then Steve started to feel the magnitude of what he was about to undertake.

A quick kiss goodbye made him feel better...

...but the stressful last minute call from our contractor didn't.

And finally, they were on their way.

I said it before, and I'll say it again: Goodbye and Good Luck.

* UPDATE: Well, besides a flat tire 30 minutes from Phoenix, Steve and the boys made it in one piece. Unfortunately the tire ended up in two pieces, but they made it, and Steve was a stud and changed a tire. Go Steve!


Take-a-Wipf said...

I'll keep Steve in my prayers. I don't know your boys but I've spent enough time in cars with my little nephews to imagine.

Steven Ricks said...

Aw it wasn't that bad. Even the flat tire was fairly uneventful--thankfully, after I ran over something that clunked on the bottom of the car, Max said "Dad, i think we should pull over and see if anything's wrong," so when the tire actually blew I was slowing down and on my way off the freeway. Thanks Max! And thanks for the sweet blog post bunny.